For a number of years now, there has been an ongoing difference of opinion where salt water swimming pool systems are concerned and how they compare with chlorine-based pool systems. If truth were told, both systems have advantages and disadvantages and determining a clear-cut winner is just not possible. Or is it? Using chlorine is the only scientifically proven way of destroying things such as bacteria, viruses and algae. By definition, a saltwater pool produces its own chlorine when water is passed through a salt cell. Salt is basically made of two elements, sodium and chlorine so the saltwater releases this chlorine to sanitize the water.
How Do Salt Water Pools Compare to Standard Chlorine Pools
Of the many things that distinguish the two pool systems, perhaps maintenance remains the most hotly debated topic. As far as a saltwater swimming pool is concerned, once the saltwater chlorinator is installed, the system will only require a small amount of salt to be added to the pool for compensating for backwashing. This saltwater generation system is uncomplicated and easy to use. It can be added to any type of swimming pool. To set up a this system, you only need to fit a salt cell to the plumbing between the filter of your pool and its water outlet.
Many people argue saltwater pools feel fresher and sparkle more compared to the standard chlorine pool. This can be explained scientifically. When a saltwater chlorinator runs, it produces a small amount of ozone and this is the mechanism responsible for the added sparkle and freshness. There is nothing complex about it. So with that said, it should convince you that these more "natural" pools should be used more often than the conventional chlorine pools. Moreover, chlorine damages swim suits to an irreparable extent. When swimming in saltwater pool systems you can say "by" to color fading.
Another advantage of the saltwater pools is the fact that chlorinators can be perfectly matched. This basically means that when it comes to saltwater swimming pools, you can control and adjust the chlorine output you want. When you are away, you can activate the time switch filtration system to keep your pool spotless and sanitized for your swimming guests. Amazing, right? No more manual labor.
Saltwater swimming pool systems are designed to function at the lowest concentration levels of salt in water. They can normally cope with enormous variations in salinity, from a minimum as low as 3000 ppm.
Depending on the type of pool you have, the salt water pool system that is right for you will vary. Size, number of swimmers a day and climatic conditions are a few of the things you need to take into account when choosing your perfect saltwater swimming pool system. At the end of the day, investing in a salt chlorinator system for your swimming pool will ultimately keep your swimming guests happier.